10 Ways to keep your warm without turning the heat on or up

How to stay warm at home without resorting to blasting the heat?

Here are some thoughts…

10 Ways to keep your warm without turning the heat on or up

  1. Let the sun in: Open curtains and blinds during the day.
  1. Close off unused rooms: Keeping doors closed won’t just prevent cold air from moving into the rest of the house, it will help contain the heat you’ve generated
  2. Change your sheets: Again, sometimes simple is tremendously effective when it comes to keeping warm. Swap cotton for flannel sheets, grab a down comforter and don’t forget about the value of extra blankets
  3. Re-arrange your furniture: Make sure your furniture is not in front of a large window or pushed up against an outside wall. Additionally, avoid placing large pieces of furniture in front of radiators
  1. Cut a rug: Cover up your bare floors with a rug.
  2. Bake something: Stews, roasts, casseroles and soups are made for the cold weather because they cook at low temperatures for a long period of time and, of course, they warm you up going down.
  3. Drink something: Wrap your hands around a warm mug of tea, cocoa or coffee.
  4. Reverse the fan: since heat rises, running your ceiling fan in reverse will push the warm air back down to the ground.
  5. Do your laundry: Nothing warms you up like clothing straight from the dryer.
  6. Something old fashioned: Try a hot water bottle or, before you get into bed, running a hot pan over your sheets.
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