Bad Credit Furnace Financing

Bad Credit Furnace Financing and Rent To Own Programs offer homeowners with bad or no credit history simple and affordable payment plans for new high efficiency furnace.

Bad Credit Furnace Financing and Rent to Own comes with flexible payment plans to fit every home and budget. Our Programs come with flexibility of an open term with option to pay off the equipment anytime or transfer to the next homeowner should you sell your home. Homeowners can take advantage of our Bad Credit Furnace Financing Program without paying thousands of dollars in upfront costs.

Bad Credit Furnace No Credit CheckBad Credit Furnace Financing Benefits

  • No Upfront Payments or Hidden Costs – Install a high efficiency Energy Star furnace with $0 upfront cost and extra hidden charges
  • 6 Months No Payments!
  • Parts and Labour Warranty – our Bad Credit Furnace Financing Programs come with full coverage on all parts and labour including 24/ 7 Priority Service
  • Flexible Terms – Our Bad Credit Furnace Financing and rent to own programs come with flexible terms. You can pay off your equipment in as little as 12 month or extend you payments for up to 15 years
  • Energy Savings – with new high efficiency furnace and air conditioner you can save up to 45 % on your energy bills.
  • Comfort of your Home – High efficiency furnace can help you eliminate cold and hot spots in your home so that you can enjoy the comfort of your home again

At DeMark Home Ontario we carry variety of different high efficiency Furnace brands, efficiency models and sizes to fit every home. All our technicians are highly trained and licensed professionals and comply with the latest safety and gas codes. Our service also include: air conditioners, furnace, water heaters and tankless installations.

Getting started is easy, call us at 647-847-2998 or toll free at 1-855-998-2998 and have your new high efficiency furnace installed in no time. You can also contact us by submitting your enquiry online and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Easy Rentals...

get total piece of mind with our High Efficiency Furnace and Air Conditioner Rental Program.
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