Energy Tips

HVAC Air Filter Types and MERV Ratings

Choosing the right HVAC air filter for your home allows you to enjoy exceptionally clean air and avoid increasing your energy bills or overworking your system. An HVAC air filter is designed to remove airborne pollutants from the air you breathe at home everyday. In essence, choosing the right air filter and maintaining it properly means clean, healthy air for you and your family. Not only that, a properly maintained air filter helps prevent your HVAC system from being overworked, Read More...

My HVAC Leaking Water: 10 Reasons Why

If  there is an unexpected puddle under your home’s HVAC system, your furnace leaking is likely the culprit. A furnace leak won’t be solved just by placing a towel on the floor, and while this may keep your floors dry, the root of the problem will still persist and could escalate to a more serious HVAC issue if not taken care of. We can help you get to the bottom of this problem to keep your floors dry and your Read More...

Heat Pump Settings to Maximize Efficiency and Home Comfort

Choose the right heat pump settings to maximize energy efficiency and home comfort. If you’ve only recently upgraded your home’s heating and cooling system to an energy efficient heat pump, it’s important to understand that it operates differently than a boiler or traditional furnace. With our help, choosing the right heat pump settings is easy and will allow you to get the most out of your new equipment. Choosing the right temperature One key distinction between heat pumps and furnaces/boilers is that Read More...

Water Heater Pilot Light Going Out

A malfunctioning water heater pilot light is often the reason your home’s hot water supply suddenly goes cold. If your shower or tap unexpectedly stopped producing hot water, it’s a good idea to check if there’s an issue with your water heater pilot light. Luckily for you, fixing a malfunctioning pilot light is quite easy and we’re here to show you how. Follow along with our simple guide and enjoy a hot shower again in no time. Signs your pilot light Read More...

Common Air Conditioner Problem – Dirty Air Filter

Changing your air conditioner air filter regularly is essential to keeping your A/C running smoothly and avoid the headache of repairs. It’s a simple and inexpensive process that can be done yourself to avoid a number of common air conditioner problem. A clean air filter can significantly improve the air quality in your home, increase your HVAC system’s lifespan, and improve its energy efficiency. Air Conditioner Problem Caused by Dirty Air Filter: Poor Air QualityWhen an air filter is dirty it Read More...

Best Furnace Brands in Ontario 2024

Find the best furnace brands and models that will keep you comfy through the long Canadian winter. More than half of Canadian households rely on natural gas furnaces to heat their homes in the winter. With natural gas prices on the rise at a 23.7% year-over-year increase, finding a great furnace for your home will save you money on your monthly energy bills. Choosing the best furnace brands for your home will not only help you save on energy bills, but Read More...

Will Closing Air Vents Save Me Money?

Closing air vents in your home is not the best way to save energy, it really does more harm than good. A common train of thought for homeowners looking to save on heating and cooling costs is that closing air vents in unoccupied areas of their home will result in cost savings. While this might seem like a simple way to save money, it often leads to the opposite result. What Actually Happens When You Close Air Vents Your home’s HVAC system Read More...

Furnace Prices in Ontario

Furnace prices vary greatly depending on a number of factors, but we can help you narrow down your choices to the options that are best suited to your needs. Living through cold Ontario winters you know just how essential a great furnace is to the comfort of you and your family in these months. Not only does a furnace regulate your home’s internal temperature, it also enhances your health by preventing the growth of mold and other harmful bacteria, ensures Read More...

Water Heater Replacement Cost

Water heater replacement cost can vary depending on the type of water heater, tank capacity, and a few other factors. Your water heater is a very important piece of equipment to your home and your family’s home comfort. You use it every single day when taking a shower, doing the dishes, or doing the laundry. If your looking to replace your current water heater, one of the pieces of information you’d like to know first is the water heater replacement Read More...

Furnace Repair vs. Replacement

The winter season is the time of year when furnace problems and complications may become an issue in your household, so, is it better to choose furnace repair or replacement? Most people are able to withstand the Canadian winter by having the comfort of  a working furnace in their home, but if that isn’t the case then you’re most likely in need of a furnace repair or replacement. But which one do you choose? There are a variety of factors Read More...
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