Changing, replacing furnace air filter on your Furnace/ Air Conditioner HVAC system in Toronto, GTA, Ontario, Heating and Cooling Tips.

DeMark Home Ontario, is the HVAC specialist in the GTA area including Toronto, Newmarket, Oshawa, Brampton,Mississauga and more and we focus on the installations and upgrades of energy efficient rental hot water heaters, tankless, furnaces and air conditioners. We would like to share important information with all consumers and our customers about the importance of replacing furnace air filter in your HVAC heating and cooling system. Firstly air quality is very important to your over all well being and total quality of health. Air quality affects your breathing, the ability to fight off allergies and helps in maintaining a good sleeping pattern. The EPA has announced that indoor air quality is 70% more polluted than its outdoor counterpart; and the truth is that a majority of us spend 80% of our time indoors.

How Often Should the air filter be changed on furnace HVAC system In Toronto, Ontario?
Knowing the right time to change your air filters is dependent on few factors.

  • Replace Furnace Air FilterType of the air filter you will be using
  •  The desired air quality of your home
  • What is the over all air quality outside your home (do you live in a congested city or suburban woodland)
  • Do any family members in the home have allergies?
  • How many people live in the house?

A general rule to follow is that the furnace air filter should be changed every 60 to 90 days. But if you are like many owners who have pets, who can cause air quality to lessen then a good rule of thumb is to conduct a replacement every 30-45 days.

For more information about filter replacement, high efficiency furnace or air conditioner or any assistance with your HVAC system please contact one of DeMark Home Ontario’s specialists.

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