Control your home’s temperature from your iPhone
From the first days of Nest, there was no question that our thermostat would be controlled remotely by laptop, smartphone and tablet.
If we create all this technology and provide you data about your energy use, we want to make sure you can access it where and when you want.
We created the Nest Account and Nest Mobile app to give you greater control over your temperature and deeper access to what Nest learns about your home, schedule and energy use. Both the Nest Account and Nest Mobile app are free. The Nest Account allows you to control and adjust your Nest Learning Thermostat over the Internet, and the app gives you access to your Nest Account on a mobile device (from your iPhone ,Ipad )
We released a Beta version of our Nest Account and the first version of the Nest Mobile app recently. Here’s some of what they can do right now:
- Control up to ten thermostats in two homes from one account.
- Change the temperature.
- Check and adjust your schedule.
- See and change your settings.
- Put Nest in and out of Away mode.
- Show you a Nest Leaf if you’re saving energy.
Changing the temperature or schedule remotely is just like making a change directly on your thermostat. So when you turn up the temperature on your phone it’ll affect Nest’s learning and schedule, and that info will show up on your Nest at home.
The Nest Mobile app is currently available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. We’ll be rolling out an app to the Android market in December and are planning a series of updates in the coming months.
Of course, all this assumes you have a Nest Learning Thermostat already. Until you do, neither the Nest Account or app will be very helpful. But when your Nest arrives on your doorstep, you can connect it to an account in seconds. Just install Nest on your wall, enter your Wi-Fi password during setup, and grab a laptop. Open a Nest Account on that same Wi-Fi network, and your account will automatically pair with your thermostat.
Download the Nest Mobile app for free oniTunes
Read more about Nest thermostat :