DeMark Home Ontario is expending it services on furnaces AC, water heaters,tankless in Ontario

Happy DeMark Ontario

We are happy to announce that our company is expanding and due to expansion, “Direct Home Ontario Inc” had been rebranded to “DeMark Home Ontario Inc” as of June 6, 2014. “DeMark Home Ontario Inc” is a unique company in HVAC industry (furnaces AC, water heaters,tankless)  in Ontario that is offering customers only exceptional services. Additional products and service will be available shortly to all our existing and new clients as a result of this change. DeMark Home Ontario Inc is also expending its servicing area to cover greater Ontario territories. This exciting change will offer customers greater savings, better products selection and additional home services. We take your home comfort seriously!

For any additional information on DeMark Home Ontario expansion, career opportunities or to request service on your furnace, air conditioner, hot water heater or tankless in Ontario call us at 647-847-2998 and one of our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

For a free consultation, estimate or to book your maintenance call please contact us

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