Why Is My Energy Bill So High

The winter time means less sunlight, the bitter cold, and with this comes an increase on your monthly energy bill.

Canada is known for its cold and snowy winters, so for us Canadians to cope with the weather we of course need the use of some of our household appliances. Whether it be your furnace, your water heater, space heater, light bulbs, etc. your household appliances all see great use during the winter months. You need to keep yourself and your family warm, keep your pipes from freezing, keep the lights on in order to see during the minimal hours of daylight. From all this energy consumption it’s quite obvious why your energy bill would increase, but there are a handful of things you can do to keep your expenses as low as possible.

How much are my appliances costing me?

Most homeowners don’t know how much their appliances are truly costing them, but that’s okay because we’re here to tell you. Knowing the cost that goes into each use of a household tool will help you regulate how often you use them and will make for efficient use, which thus lowers the cost of your energy bill.

Tea Kettle: When boiling water, only boil as much as you will use. Boiling two litres of water will cost you about 45 cent on your energy bill.

Electric Blanket: An electric blanket typically uses about 1.5 kWh for four hours of use, which amounts to about 40 cents.

Light Bulbs: Daylight hours can be scarce during the winter season, so lights are obviously used quite often. Lighting generally takes up about 8 percent of your energy bill. Buying

New energy saving LED light bulbs to replace the decade old incandescent lights can save you around $20 a year for every light bulb you replace.

Space Heater: If an electric space heater operates for 5 hours it can cost around $3. If used daily then this can amount to upwards of $80. Wearing warmer clothing or using a blanket can be some simple solutions to save you money.

Drying machine: Dryers are used more often in the winter season since the cold winter doesn’t allow for hang drying in the outdoors. Sadly, drying machines suck energy right up and that is then reflected on your energy bill. The average households spends about $1 per load to operate the dryer.

Tips to minimize drying machine usage:

  • Use your drying machine only when drying full loads instead of singular or not many items. Drying clothes outdoors as well as efficient dryer use can save up to $130 a year.
  • When separating loads in the dryer machine, separate them by weight. T-shirts take far less time to dry than sweatshirts or towels do.
  • Hang drying your laundry indoors is also an option when weather conditions are messy. After hang drying your clothing you can use the dryer to get rid of wrinkles and get the rest of the job done on a half cycle.
  • Clean your dryer’s lint filter to allow for the machine to use less power and work as efficiently as possible.
  • Use the spin cycle feature on your washing machine so that some moisture and water can be removed from the clothes before they go in the dryer.

A huge way to save money on your energy bill is to make sure that all of your households appliances are running efficiently. These appliances include your water heater, furnace, air conditioner, dehumidifier, duct system, blower fan, heat pump as well as any of the other HVAC appliances in your home. Making sure that these appliances are well maintained by a trained technician will save tons of energy all year round.


If you are in need of HVAC appliance replacement or repair, DeMark Home Ontario is exactly what you need. We provide efficient and quick HVAC replacement performed by our highly trained and experienced technicians. Give us a call at 647-847-2998 or fill out our online request form and we will be happy to assist you with your request.

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