Energy Savings at Home ( Dishwasher )

How to save on electricity, heating, cooling and water bills. Energy Savings at Home ( Dishwasher )

There are a number of things you can do to save energy in every room of your home. Turning off the lights is always a good start to save energy and money. But, are you aware of other ways to reduce your energy bill even more?

Wash your hands clean of the high cost of washing dishes.


  • Don’t waste hot water by pre-rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher – just scrape off food and empty liquids.
  • Air dry your dishes – you can save 10% of the cost of operation.
  • Load dishes according to manufacturer’s instructions to allow for proper water circulation.
  • Check and clean drains and filters regularly to ensure efficient operation

Energy Facts

  • Using a dishwasher can actually be more efficient than washing dishes by hand, assuming you use the dishwasher once for every 3 to 4 times you would wash dishes by hand.

In winter, Ontario’s greatest demand for electricity usually occurs from 4 to 9 PM. Try switching non-essential chores to the off-peak times between 9 PM and 7 AM. On hot summer days, the greatest overall demand for electricity is usually from 10 AM to 4 PM, but high residential use can extend to midnight, because of air conditioner usage.

By shifting non-essential use to times of lower demand, you can help reduce the use of fossil fuel generation, which helps keep the environment cleaner.

 More Great Energy Savings Tips :

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