Should I rent air conditioner from Reliance or Enercare?

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  • #19542
    Julia Roter

    I live in Toronto and my air con just died. Looking for a new ac on monthly plans. Reliance offered me rental option. Any advice should I go with Reliance or Enercare?


    I rented my water heater and furnace from Reliance in the past. the service was alright but it is pricey. I did have problems with changing my equipment to the new owner of my home after I moved out. I was charged for 3 months of rental fees after I had already sold and moved out of my home. The rental agreement shouldve been transferred to the new owner right away.


    Make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions of your agreement before you sign anything. I had problems in the past with Direct Energy


    We’ve been with Relience for several years renting hot water tank. What I did’t like was they kept raising the prices each year for no reason. I had to switch to a different company when my contact was over. . I no more want to have any business with reliance.


    My answer is NO.


    Be careful when you choose who you’re renting from and read the terms and conditions. Enercare’s rental program is a lifetime contract and Reliance’s contract is even worse. I wouldn’t think about signing with either of them.

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