How Come My Air Conditioner Isn’t Cooling My Home?

You depend on your air conditioner to cool your home on days of summer heat, but what can you do when your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home?

We know that when a piece of expensive equipment isn’t fulfilling its sole purpose it can be very annoying. This is especially true in the case of your air conditioner as you depend on it for comfort in your home. So, what can you do when your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home? This is a very common question amongst homeowners and we hope that we can address your concerns and provide you with an adequate solution.

Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Isn’t Cooling Your Home

How Come My Air Conditioner Isn’t Cooling My HomeThe furnace filter is dirty

Your AC works by pushing air through the furnace’s air handler and through the vents around your home. But before that happens, the air must go through the furnace’s air filter to purify the air that’s going to enter your living space. Since the air filter collects all of the airborne dirt and particles going through the system, they can get very dirty. A clogged air filter does not allow much air to pass through, which results in an inefficient AC operation. These filters should be changed every 2-3 months for the system to work efficiently. If you have a reusable filter then you can simply wash it clean with soap and water and place it back into the system. The filter should be completely dry before it is put back to use.

Your thermostat isn’t setup properly

If the issue is relating to an improperly setup thermostat then you’re in luck because this is an easy fix.

Oftentimes with thermostats, just setting the device to the “on” setting is not enough to have it properly cool your home. The AC system could just be blowing air through the ducts without the air conditioner cooling the air. The first step to fixing this would be to make sure that the system is set to “on” on the shut-off box located near the air conditioner. Then, set your thermostat five degrees lower than your current indoor temperature. You will know that the problem has been solved if you hear your air conditioner’s fans going to work and cool air begins exiting your vents.

Your air conditioner is not properly sized for your home

An improperly sized air conditioner is a problem which can be a hassle to solve as it will be expensive. Air conditioners must be properly sized for the home they’re occupying. The square-footage of your home should correspond with the AC that you have installed. If the air conditioner you have is too big or too small then this will cause problems. An oversized or undersized AC will not perform efficiently and will often leave you unsatisfied.

If your air conditioner is too big for your home then it will turn off and on very often, which will cause for an inconsistency in the airflow of your home.

If your air conditioner is too small for your home then it will have to constantly operate to cool your home and will rarely reach the desired outcome. Due to the stress that this puts on the AC unit, it will wear down much faster than a properly sized AC and it will experience premature problems in its operation.

Unfortunately, the only way to solve such a problem is to have a new properly-sized air conditioner installed in your home. If you have an oversized or undersized air conditioner, we recommend that you contact an HVAC professional to find the solution you’re looking for.

The condenser needs to be cleaned

The air conditioner condenser is the component of your AC which performs the heat exchange process. If the condenser is clogged up and filled with debris then it makes the air conditioner’s job a lot harder than it should be. A dirty condenser could be the reason that your air conditioner isn’t cooling properly.

Cleaning the condenser is not a complicated process. It is commonly said that there should be 1.5 feet of free space on all sides of the air conditioner condenser. If there is vegetation or any other obstructions around the condenser you should remove them to allow the AC to operate properly. Cleaning the condenser can be done using some water, soap, and a brush or sponge. You should be particularly careful around the fins as you don’t want to break or damage them. Covering the condenser in the winter season with a protective cover will keep debris out of the system when its not being used. An air conditioner cover is not expensive and we greatly recommend one if you’d like to keep your system in good shape for years to come.

Mechanical parts are broken or damaged

Your air conditioner has a lot of components that are necessary to get its job done. Many of these components are moving parts like the compressor or motor. When these components are broken or damaged, your AC’s operation will cease. It’s not easy to diagnose this problem unless you’re an HVAC technician. If you believe that your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home due to a mechanical problem, contact a local HVAC professional to take a look and fix it.

The refrigerant is leaking

A refrigerant leak is not a problem that you should solve on your own. If your air conditioner’s refrigerant is leaking then you should call a professional HVAC technician to solve the issue. The AC’s refrigerant doesn’t get used up, so it should always stay full. If it isn’t full then that indicates a leak. Too little refrigerant would mean that your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home as well as it should be. An icy buildup on your air conditioner is a sure sign of a refrigerant leak. If  you believe that your refrigerant is leaking, power down your air conditioner and call a professional to solve the problem.

Leaks in the ductwork

The lack of cool air in your home may not be attributed to an air conditioner problem, but instead an issue related to your ductwork. A leak or multiple leaks in your ductwork could be allowing for cold air to seep out and never reach the living space in your home. This would mean that you either aren’t receiving enough cold air in your home or are overpaying and wasting energy to cool your home. A ductwork specialist would be able to provide an adequate solution to this problem.


A new central air conditioner installation is not as expensive as you may think. DeMark Home Ontario provides renting, purchasing and financing options that are tailored to fit the needs and budgets of any homeowner. If you have any further questions about why your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home or any of your other HVAC concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at anytime. Our highly trained and experienced technicians are more than prepared to assist you with any of your air conditioner problems. We provide efficient and quick air conditioner replacement done by our team of HVAC professionals. Give us a call at 1 (855) 998-2998 or fill out our online request form and we will be happy to assist you with your request.

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