How often should you change the Air Filter for your Furnace?

Depending on the environment in which your furnace operates, most HVAC companies recommend all filters be changed at least twice a year. If your home is located in an area with a lot of dust or dirt, you may want to change them more often to prevent them from clogging up and diminishing the efficiency of your heating or air conditioning unit. However, there are other factors that will help you determine how often your air filters should be changed.

Consider the type of Air Filter for your Furnace. The majority of homeowners use a standard one to three inch filter and manufacturers usually recommend they be changed between 30 and 60 days. This may be a good guideline, but if you suffer from severe allergies you might consider changing them more often. For cleaner air you can change them more frequently or choose a higher quality air filter or consider installing an air purification system.

If you have pets, the 30 to 60 day guideline may not be enough. Pet dander and pet hair can get into your air affecting its overall quality, not to mention clogging up your filters. Once you install a new filter, note on your calendar to check them after a month to see how much they have become clogged and determine if they need replaced.

How many people live in your home will also affect how often the filters will need replaced. The more people in the home the more frequently they will need changed. You should also consider the environment in which your home is located. If there is a lot of pollutants in the area, or heavy construction going on around your house, dirt and dust is going to be raised. This in itself can be a reason to change your air filters more often or use an air purification system.

However, not all heating and air conditioning units may require a filter change every month or so. As a basic rule of thumb, in a typical suburban residence, air filters should be changed every three months, unless a sudden increase in dirt and dust is suspected. If you have a dog or cat, the filters should be changed every 60 days and if you have more than one animal in the house, a filter change every month may be in order.

If you have a vacation home or a home with only one occupant and have no pets and no allergies, once every six to 12 months should be sufficient. The real issue isn’t always about when to change your home heating and air conditioning filters, but remembering when to change them. If you are only going to need a new filter every six to 12 months, considering tying the filter change to the time change.

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