How to Clean Air Conditioner Compressor

It is necessary to clean out the air conditioner compressor before the  summer sets in.

Such compressors can often get bogged down with items such as  leaves and debris. Hence to make them more cost-efficient in their running, it  is essential to clean them up. Compressors are exterior components of air  conditioners, and therefore are placed outdoors. Cleaning the air conditioner compressor yourself can prove to be a simple and inexpensive task if a sequential process  is followed. Follow the simple instructions below to clean out your air conditioner compressor.

Cleaning the air conditioner compressor yourselfStep 1 – Turn off Power Supplies

Turn off the power supply from the air conditioner completely. For a  compressor placed outdoors, the power supply would have to be turned off from  the main circuit. This will protect you against the risk of electrocution.

Step 2 – Unscrew Grill

You will need to remove the grill, which covers the unit. As the grill is  fixed on with a number of screws, this is where the screwdriver shall come into  play. Make sure you safely set aside the screws, as the grill will need to be  replaced once the cleaning is done.

Step 3 – Manual Cleaning

After the grill has been removed, clean up the insides of the air conditioner  unit manually. Remove leaves and other forms of debris from the bottom of the  vent, which might have piled up. Use a clean cloth to clean up the remainder of  the dirt and debris. However, make sure to wear the rubber gloves while doing  so.

Step 4 – Spray Out with Water Hose

Considerable amounts of debris should have been removed from this point, but  to ensure that it is completely removed, spray the unit with a water hose. To  avoid water from accumulating in the vent, attach a spray nozzle on top of the  pipe. All remaining dirt shall be sprayed away through this water pipe.

Step 5 – Screw Grill back on

By this stage, all the filth and remaining debris from the compressor should  have been removed. The last step is therefore to fix the grill back in with the  screwdriver. Give ample time to the compressor and unit to completely dry out  before turning the power supply back on. Once it dries completely, turn the  power supply on. By now your air conditioner will be ready to provide you with a  season of cool air. A useful tip to avoid further debris and dirt from being  collected in the compressor is to use a plank of wood, like plywood, to cover  the air conditioning unit.


For more information or should you have any questions about your Air Conditioner please fee free to contact DeMark Home Ontario  (647) 847-2998

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