HVAC system Spring Check Up

HVAC system requires check up before each season

As the winter season is almost over it is the time to do check up and tuning up on your HVAC system as it can be a mess after a long cold season. HVAC system not only heats your home during the winter but it also helps to cool down your home during the hot summer days as it circulates cold air through the home. Pre season check up on your heating and cooling system is must if you don’t want to be faced in a situation where your home is boiling hot during the summer due to HVAC system failure. There are number of things that you can do on your own to check your heating and cooling equipment but then there are other things that only a licensed HVAC contractor can do.

  • Replace your filter – Standard HVAC system filter needs to be replaced every 30-90 days (speak to you HVAC contractor for recommendations). Changing filter frequently helps with an even air flow throughout the house and keeps air free from debris, dust and allergens. Failing to change furnace filter frequently will result in dust bunnies under your bed and can cause damage to your HVAC system. Check your filter regularly especially if you have pets shed or dusty conditions in your home.
  • Clean areas around your HVAC system – Check and clean area around the outdoor condenser for any dirt, leaves, weeds o debris that can get inside your heating and cooling system and cause damage. Look inside the unit for leaves and clean them out by opening the casing. Check grills in the house for any debris and dirt and clean it with vacuum.
  • Get duct cleaning heating and cooling system requires duct cleaning every year for a better and clean air circulation. You will need to contact duct cleaning professionals who will vacuum out any dirt from your ducts after the winter season and sanitize your heating and cooling system.
  • Get HVAC system inspected by a licensed technician – DeMark Home Ontario’s technician will fully inspect your heating and cooling system and do necessary tuning up to ensure your equipment works properly. First a visual inspection is done to look for any signs of an issue such as rust, corrosion and water stains. Then technician will check electrical components in your HVAC system, checking the circuit boards, relays, switches on your air conditioner and wiring to the thermostat. Our Technician will also check you cooling components such as evaporator coil and condensation drain to maximize the efficiency of your unit and to avoid flooding of your system. Final steps are to check refrigerant level and ensure proper overall performance of your HVAC system

To schedule your HVAC system inspection with one of DeMark Home Ontario’s specialist call at 647-847-2998 or send your request online and one of our friendly staff will contact you shortly. Also ask us about  our heating and cooling protection programs that include parts and labour repairs and an annual heating and cooling system inspection.

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