Insurance Policy Exclusions on Residential Water Heater

If your household has an old water heater you may be in for a problem regarding your home insurance policy.

There are new home insurance exclusions that have been put into place regarding your Residential Water Heater, which many home insurance companies have already implemented into their policies.

Rental Water Heater TorontoThis new exclusion is regarding Residential Water Heater that are 10 years old or older and states that if your water heater is over the age of 10-12 years, your home insurance company requests that you replace your home’s water heater with a brand new energy efficient one.

The average lifespan of a water heater is between 10-12 years, with warranties on water heaters typically ranging between 6-12 years. The reasoning behind this new policy being implemented is because a water heater will rust as time goes on and that has become one of the most frequent and costliest causes of insurance claims after homeowners experience water leakage and damage in their Ontario homes. Due to this, home insurance companies have to pay out thousands of dollars to homeowners and as a result they are now asking for homeowners to upgrade their home’s water heater before this problem emerges.

If you, as a homeowner, do not abide by your home insurance company’s request by not upgrading to a new water heater, then your home insurance may deny you full coverage for the water damage done to your home as a result of your water heater. This would mean that if you were to experience such water damage or leakage in your home, it is completely and totally your responsibility to do the repairs on your own. To avoid such a problem, the most simple solution would be to take the advice of your home insurance company and upgrade to a New Residential Water Heater before your time runs out and it’s too late.

We have already helped out many customers in situations just like this one. Here is a quote from one of our customers who reached out to us about their issue:

“I received my home insurance renewal papers just the other day, and I was shocked to read “Important notice – Exclusion of damage caused by water heaters” applied to the list of home insurance policies. After reading this I gave my home insurance company a call because my home’s water heater is now 12 years old, and I was told that because of its age they will no longer cover any of the damage caused by the water heater. This new exclusion hasn’t made my policy any cheaper than it was, but if I do choose to upgrade to a new hot water heater unit then their coverage will be restored to what it originally was.”

We helped this customer with their problem and now their home insurance policy has been reinstated to what it originally was and they now have a brand new high efficiency water heater in their home.


If you are experiencing a similar issue or are simply looking to upgrade your old owned or rental water heater in Toronto or the GTA to a new energy efficient water heater contact DeMark Home Ontario by phone 1 (855) 998-2998 or online on our website and receive a free installation, free removal of your old Residential Water Heater, 2 months of free rent, and the best rental rate that you’ll find in Ontario.

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