My HVAC Leaking Water: 10 Reasons Why

If  there is an unexpected puddle under your home’s HVAC system, your furnace leaking is likely the culprit.

A furnace leak won’t be solved just by placing a towel on the floor, and while this may keep your floors dry, the root of the problem will still persist and could escalate to a more serious HVAC issue if not taken care of. We can help you get to the bottom of this problem to keep your floors dry and your furnace in tip-top shape. There are 10 common reasons for a furnace leaking, all of which can be solved by maintaining or repairing the unit.

Water Condensation

The most common reason for HVAC leaking is excessive water condensation. During the winter months when your furnace is working extra hard, water escapes the heating vents, collecting on the ground and forming a puddle. If your furnace is turning on and off excessively during the winter, and a puddle is forming below the unit, this is a clear indicator of a leak present in the system.

Blockage in Vent Pipe

When the vent pipe leading outside your home is blocked, a leakage will inevitably happen. If you know how your furnace vents outside, inspect the vents for any blockages before they lead to a leak. If you don’t notice any blockage, check for signs of water condensation building up around the vent or in the air return duct that leads to outside your home.

Blockage in Air Return Vent

A blocked air return vent can cause your furnace to overheat and lead to a leakage. There may be an air duct in your home leading from your furnace to the outside, and when this duct becomes clogged with debris or dust then the air traveling through it can no longer be filtered before it re-enters your home. This blockage forces the unit to work harder than it should and leads to your furnace leaking water.

Clogged or Dirty Furnace Filter

A dirty air filter can be the root cause for many common furnace problems, including leakages. A clogged air filter causes your furnace to work overtime to heat your home as it makes it more difficult for hot air to pass through the system. Water condensation then builds up around the filter and creates a puddle under your furnace. Cleaning or replacing your furnace filter is a quick and simple process that will greatly improve the performance of your furnace and prevent it from creating excess condensation.

Clogged PVC Drain Line

In some instances, a puddle under your furnace may not be a result of a leak in the furnace itself. The PVC drain line is the component that moves spilled water away from the furnace unit. When the PVC drain line is blocked up, it can no longer transfer the spilled water and results in the spillage you may be seeing under your furnace. If this is the case, check for leaks in your drain line.

Malfunctioning Condensate Pump

A malfunctioning or broken condensate pump is a definite cause for HVAC leaking in the winter. When it’s cold outdoors, water is pumped into your home to keep the air at a comfortable temperature. But when the condensate pump is not working as it should, it won’t be able to get rid of excess water and thus a leakage occurs.

Faulty Secondary Heat Exchanger

Oftentimes, a leakage that appears to be coming from the furnace, is actually not coming from the unit itself. The secondary heat exchanger is a chamber that regulates temperature and is connected to your furnace. When this chamber is backed up with calcium deposits, it will lead to excessive condensation forming into a puddle below your furnace. A faulty heat exchanger should be repairs by an HVAC professional

Broken Humidifier

Another common reason for HVAC leakage is a clogged up humidifier. To check if this is the reason for your leakage, place a bucket under the humidifier and see if it collects all the leaking water. If the bucket is collecting water and your floor remains dry then you’ve found the cause of the leakage. A broken humidifier is an issue that should only be taken care of by a licensed HVAC professional.

Malfunctioning Blower Motor

If there’s a leakage present in your furnace system and the blower motor isn’t operating, then the issue is likely to do with a faulty blower motor. Blower motor problems often occur when something is wrong with how the screws connect the blower motor to the main part of the furnace. Fixing the connection between the blower motor and the furnace should solve this issue without the need for additional repairs.

Plumbing Leakage

If there is a water leak near your furnace unit, but the leak is not coming from the furnace itself, there could be a leakage in your plumbing. If this is the issue you’re facing, have a plumber look at your pipes before you schedule a furnace repair.

If you’re having trouble with solving your HVAC leaking issue, a repair or replacement by a licensed HVAC professional will be what’s needed to bring your home’s HVAC system back to optimal condition and allow you to enjoy elevated home comfort once again. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your home’s HVAC system, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. Our highly trained and experienced technicians are more than prepared to assist you with any of your furnace problems. We provide efficient and quick furnace replacement done by our team of fully licensed and trained HVAC professionals. We offer a variety of furnace rental, purchasing, and financing options.

Give us a call at 1-855-998-2998 or fill out our online request form and we will be happy to assist you with your request.

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