Do I Need A New Furnace?

Knowing whether or not you need a new furnace is not always a simple judgement, so let’s learn the key signs indicating that you need an upgrade.

Do I Need A New FurnaceIf your furnace is broken down and no longer operates then obviously you are in need of a new furnace unit. What if your furnace is still working? You may still need new high efficiency furnace even if your current unit is still running.

A new Energy Star furnace could save energy, save money from wasted operating time, and be the solution to the inconsistent heating problems you may be experiencing. Replacing a furnace can be a simple decision or a tough one, but luckily we can help you decide.

If your old furnace unit has a metal vent with a gap above the furnace, or a pilot light then it would be a good idea to upgrade to a new high efficiency furnace unit as soon as you have the chance. If this isn’t the case and your current unit is still working then figuring out if you need a new furnace might be a little more tricky.

Should my high efficiency furnace be replaced?

On the side of every furnace there should be a label indicating its efficiency as a percentage. If that percentage is greater than 90% then you have a high efficiency furnace. A high efficiency furnace shouldn’t need to be replaced unless it has any noticeable problems regarding its operation.

What if my furnace heats my home inconsistently?

If your home is not heating rooms evenly, making some rooms hot while others are cold, check to see if all the vents are open. You can try and balance out the temperature in your home by closing the vents in vacant rooms and opening the ones in rooms that are used. If you had to open or close multiple vents then it could take a couple days before the house sets into its new balanced temperature.

A second option would be to turn your fan off auto mode and make it so that it is running constantly. The downside to doing this would mean that it increases your electricity usage and decrease the lifespan of your motor.

If these two solutions do not fix your problem then it could mean that your furnace is oversized for your home and therefore does not distribute air correctly. If you do have a furnace that is too large for your home then you surely need replace your old furnace.

You might need new furnace and water heater

If your home has an exterior chimney with the water heater being vented to the chimney, then your water heater should be replaced to a brand new sealed combustion water heater at the same time that you replace your furnace unit. If these appliances aren’t changed simultaneously then your chimney will cool down since there’s no furnace being vented through it, and the water heater could potentially backdraft and allow for combustion products to enter the home which can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

This replacement can often be done inexpensively if you are renting your water heater unit. If you do not choose to replace both your water heater and furnace then it would be in your best interest to have carbon monoxide detectors in your home for safety measures.

You can do so fairly inexpensively, if like most people you rent your water heater. Your old water heater can be replaced for a brand new conventional vent, power vent, or even a tankless on demand water heater. If for some reason you can’t replace your water heater at the same time, ensure that you have carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Everyone needs to have these detectors according to a fairly recent law.


If after reading our guidelines regarding furnace replacement you have decided that you need new high efficiency furnace, don’t hesitate to contact us and rid yourself of all of your HVAC problems. We will provide efficient and quick furnace replacement performed by our highly trained and experienced technicians.

We offer a variety of brands and programs that will ensure that we meet your needs and your budget. You can purchase your brand new furnace, finance it on a monthly basis, or sign up for our great rent to own program. Our furnace rental program requires no money down, no credit checks, three months of free rent, lifetime warranty and service.

Give us a call at 647-847-2998 or fill out our online request form and we will be happy to assist you with your request.

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