What you need to do if your Carbon Monoxide Detector alarm goes off
Fireplaces could be the cause of a carbon monoxide detector going off due to blocked or bent chimneys. There could be debris or holes in the chimney that could force the carbon monoxide back into the house instead of being released into the air outside. Venting and fan systems can also be blocked like fireplaces by debris, cracks, and holes. Forcing the carbon monoxide into the house instead of out.
Furnaces are usually the main source for the gases to be released in your home, by leaks. Make sure to check all the venting system from the furnaces for cracks, rust, or debris, as long as in the flue pipes. If the furnace flame, is a yellow flame then this usually means the gas is not being burned efficiently and it means the gases are being released at a much high level than usual.
Stove and fireplace pilot lights are another dangerous source of carbon monoxide if the appliance is not working properly.
Never use a stove to heat your house, never leave a car running in a garage even if the door is open, these could cause serious amounts of carbon monoxide to be pushed into your house.
Taking time to understand the characteristics and symptoms of carbon monoxide could help save your life and anyone else in the house. A carbon monoxide detector should sound its alarm before a healthy adult starts to experience the symptoms of the carbon monoxide.
These are the steps to follow in case the carbon monoxide alarm goes off:
- Shut down appliances, and any other areas where ignition could happen.
- Open all doors and windows to allow fresh air inside the house.
- Have the problem fixed by a licensed technician before turning the appliances and other areas where ignition could happen back on.
- Contact the fire department and move outside, in case anyone is experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, like vomiting, dizziness, and headaches.
- Make sure everyone that was in the house at the time is accounted for.
- Remain outside until the problem is fixed and the house has been aired out.
Remember you cannot see, smell, or taste carbon monoxide.
For a free consultation, estimate or to book your maintenance call please contact us.