Nest Protect -Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm Detector
DeMark Home Ontario is pleased to provide you with information on new Nest smoke and carbon monoxide WIFI detector. New Ontario regulations require that all homes now have carbon monoxide detectors installed for safety reasons. You can keep your loved ones safe with new Nest smoke and carbon monoxide WIFI detector and have it installed by DeMark Home Ontario technician FREE of charge. Just contact us to learn how it can be yours FREE.
Safety shouldn’t be annoying.
We all know why smoke alarms are torn off the ceiling or missing batteries: because every time you make stir-fry, the smoke alarm cries wolf. Or just as you’re falling asleep, you hear a low-battery chirp. They’ve become annoying. And that’s a safety issue.
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According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), almost two-thirds of US home fire deaths happened in homes with no smoke alarm or no working smoke alarm.
So Nest has made something new. Meet the Nest Protect smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarm.
Burned the toast? Nest Protect won’t just start yelling at you.
Before turning on a loud, howling alarm, Nest Protect gives you an early warning we call Heads-Up. Nest Protect lights up yellow and speaks with a human voice. It tells you where smoke is or when carbon monoxide levels are rising. This gives you an earlier warning if there’s an emergency, or allows you to silence Nest Protect if it’s just a nuisance alarm, like an overly enthusiastic toaster.
Sees what’s invisible.
You can’t see carbon monoxide. Or smell it. It’s a silent killer that causes early symptoms that are easily mistaken for the flu. That’s why 39 US states have passed laws that make carbon monoxide alarms as common—and necessary—as smoke alarms.
So Nest Protect constantly looks for dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. You can’t see it, but Nest Protect can.
Silence alarms with a wave.
No more frantically swinging towels at the smoke alarm to quiet it down. If there’s a nuisance alarm, just stand under Nest Protect and wave your arm to hush the alert. As you wave, your hand should be 2 to 8 feet away from the alarm.
How Nest Wave works >
Complete integration with Apple iOS devices.
To learn more on how to get your Nest smoke and carbon monoxide WIFI detector FREE or to book a free in home HVAC estimate please contact us.