Preparing your HVAC System for Home Renovation

Home renovation is a frequent culprit behind HVAC system problems, learn how to plan ahead for these problems and keep your HVAC system running smoothly.

Quite surprisingly, a significant amount of problems related to HVAC systems are a result of dirt and dust. You wouldn’t think that something as small and insignificant can cause such problems, but as dirt and dust build up in your HVAC system, it can certainly cause problems. If you’re planning to or are in the process of home renovation, it would be a good idea on your part to take precautions to not harm your HVAC system in the process. Making sure your HVAC system is ready for home renovation is a simple process and can save you hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars on repair work in the future. Following these tips below can help you to prepare your HVAC system for home renovation.

  • Although obvious, it is necessary to clean up regularly. Stay aware of any dust or dirt buildup and sweep the floors often.
  • Ask your contractor about how to keep as much dirt and dust out of your home as possible. You can do this by keeping doors shut and using tarps when it’s possible.
  • Sanding and cutting wood is often involved in a home renovation, try to do these things outside of the house or in the garage.
  • Try not to run your air conditioner or furnace as often as possible while renovating, try to especially stray away from heating or cooling when cutting or sanding wood is being done in the home.
  • Keep the air vent covers/registers closed in the space where renovation is taking place. A good idea would be to tape them shut to keep dust from being pulled back into the HVAC system.
  • After your work is completed, change your air filter. Often times there are small particles caught in your air filter.


Following these simple steps during your home renovation will allow your HVAC system to continue running properly for years to come and will save you money on unnecessary and costly repair bills.


Home renovation is also a great time to upgrade your HVAC system to a brand new high efficiency system. Since home improvement is already being done, why not ensure that your home is comfier than ever by upgrading your HVAC system, especially if you have been experiencing problems with your current system.

DeMark Home Ontario will be happy to assist you with all of your HVAC needs whether it is regarding heating, cooling or whatever it may be, we are here to help. Please feel free to give us a call at 647-847-2998 or fill out our online enquiry form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


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