Smoke Detector Safety Guide

Your home’s smoke detector needs regular maintenance to function properly and continue keeping you and your family safe.

Just having smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home may not be enough to notify you of a potential fire or carbon monoxide leak. It is important to not only have these devices, but to also maintain them and ensure they’re working properly to keep your family safe. The following are some smoke detector safety tips that help you keep your home safe:

  1. Location matters!

The location of your smoke and CO alarms is more important than you think. Having the alarms in a steamy, dusty, or dirty place can often set off false alarms. Don’t install alarms in garages, porches, unfinished attics, near ceiling fans, near bathrooms, near cooking appliances, or near fluorescent lights.

  1. Clean!

Your smoke detector should be cleaned at least once a year. Dust or debris trapped in the detector can set off false alarms and malfunctions that could possibly be deadly in the event of a fire or carbon monoxide leak. To clean the detector use the soft brush attachment from your vacuum to remove any dust or debris that may be stuck in the smoke detector.

  1. Batteries!

Always have spare batteries around in case the detector runs out of juice. Also, never take the batteries out of the smoke alarm… unless it’s to replace the batteries.

  1. Test!

Testing your smoke or CO alarm is easy. All you have to do is press the test button. You should test your alarms on a monthly basis, after all, it only takes a second.

  1. Replace!

Just like your other home electronics, your smoke and CO detectors aren’t going to last forever. These devices should be replaced every 10 years. If your detector looks dingy or you can’t remember the last time you replaced it, it’s likely a safe bet that your home could use a new smoke detector.

If you have any further questions regarding your home’s smoke detector or have any other HVAC concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. Our highly trained and experienced technicians are more than prepared to assist you with any of your HVAC problems. We provide efficient and quick furnace, air conditioner, and water heater replacement done by our team of HVAC professionals. We offer a variety of rental, purchasing, and financing options. Give us a call at 647-847-2998 or fill out our online request form and we will be happy to assist you with your request.

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