Tag Archives: Energy

Relieving Asthma Symptoms Through HVAC Maintenance

If you or someone else in your household suffers from asthma, HVAC maintenance should be taken seriously to create a home environment that prevents asthma attacks. Though asthma has no cure, it can be made manageable by taking the right measures to remove allergens. Here are a few ways asthma can be made manageable through proper duct cleaning and HVAC maintenance: Changing HVAC system’s air filter If you’re experiencing asthma attacks in your home and don’t know the reason, it is likely Read More...

Furnace Buying Guide

Choosing a new furnace can be a tough decision, so we hope this furnace buying guide will provide you with all the information you need to make the right choice. Like all machines, furnaces get worn out with time and after years of use they reach a point where they no longer work like they used to. Typically, furnace problems start to arise after the 10 year mark. Finding a replacement for your old furnace can be tricky as there Read More...

HVAC problems?

Do you have HVAC problems? Get comfortable finding a contractor It keeps you warm in icy winter and cool in the summer heat, but how much do you really know about your HVAC? Sure, you control it with the thermostat on your wall, but let’s face it, there was also a time you weren’t entirely sure what HVAC stood for. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one (it’s Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, by the way). While the ‘heat’ and ‘cool’ options Read More...

Holiday home energy savings

This holiday season, don’t blow all your money on your electrical and heating bills, learn about energy savings today and spend those extra bucks on the people you love. Whether it be the holiday lights or the overnight house guests, the holidays are often when people see a big jump on their utility bills. Lucky for you, it is possible to keep the holiday cheer alive and make room for energy savings by making a few smart moves ahead of Read More...

Storage Water Heater vs Tankless Water Heaters

There are two main types of water heaters: storage water heater vs tankless . Storage water heaters Difference between storage water heater vs tankless is single-family storage water heaters are insulated tanks offer a ready reservoir -- from 20 to 75 gallons -- of hot water. It operates by releasing hot water from the top of the tank when you turn on the hot water tap. To replace that hot water, cold water enters the bottom of the tank, ensuring Read More...

Three Best Rated HVAC Contractors

DeMark Home Ontario is selected as one of the Best Rated HVAC Contractors Toronto, Canada, May 13, 2016 - DeMark Home Ontario, a heating and cooling expert in Toronto, Ontario, Canada is proud to announce that it was selected as one of the Three Best Rated HVAC Contractors in Toronto, ON by Three Best Rated an organization that handpicks Top 3 local businesses per category in each city. DeMark Home Ontario was selected out of hundreds of HVAC Contractor in Read More...

HVAC system Spring Check Up

HVAC system requires check up before each season As the winter season is almost over it is the time to do check up and tuning up on your HVAC system as it can be a mess after a long cold season. HVAC system not only heats your home during the winter but it also helps to cool down your home during the hot summer days as it circulates cold air through the home. Pre season check up on your heating Read More...

7 Ways to Save Energy this Holiday Season

The holiday season is nearly here. Save Energy with holiday Tips Holiday planning requires a lot of energy, but most people are not thinking about energy usage when it comes to holiday lights, beautiful decorations, cooking, and entertaining but everyone wants to save energy. Here are some suggestions that can help you save energy during the holiday season. Decorate you home with LED Holiday Lights - LED lights are the bright and smart choice when decorating your home. Also, LED light strings Read More...

Do you need Furnace Repair or Replacement?

When is time for a furnace repair or replacement? If your gas furnace is failing and causing you problems then it may be a time for a furnace repair or replacement. If it is cold outside and furnace is the fundament of your home comfort but you can no longer rely on it then you need to look at few factors when deciding on furnace repair or replacement. Often it is best to contact your local HVAC contractor and seek Read More...

Premium furnace Ontario

Premium furnace is available on Rent to Own Basis Renting furnace is simple and affordable. You can now rent a premium furnace for low monthly payment. This 96% AFUE 2 stage premium furnace will keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the winter season and cool down your home with even air distribution during the summer season combined with air conditioner. High Efficiency furnace from DeMark Home Ontario will help you save hundreds of dollars on your energy bills and bring Read More...
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