Tag Archives: Furnace Rent To Own

Furnace Repair vs. Replacement

The winter season is the time of year when furnace problems and complications may become an issue in your household, so, is it better to choose furnace repair or replacement? Most people are able to withstand the Canadian winter by having the comfort of  a working furnace in their home, but if that isn’t the case then you’re most likely in need of a furnace repair or replacement. But which one do you choose? There are a variety of factors Read More...

Furnace Emergency Replacement

Furnace Emergency – Installed in 24 Hrs -647-847-2998 It is never a good time for your home heating system to break down and call for a Furnace Emergency replacement. However if your furnace has stopped working and you require immediate replacement, we are here to help. DeMark Home Ontario offers fast and reliable Furnace Emergency Replacement in Toronto and GTA. If you are left without heat during the cold winter days or nights, just call us and one of our knowledgeable and Read More...

Rent or Finance HVAC: Which Should I Choose?

Rent or finance HVAC provides a convenient and affordable solution for the homeowner on a budget. Replacing or upgrading your old HVAC system is a large investment for any homeowner. While purchasing a furnace or AC is cheaper in the long run, the high upfront cost deters many homeowners from choosing this option. Luckily, there are rent or finance HVAC options available that involve zero upfront cost and affordable monthly payments. Renting or financing your HVAC system allows you to Read More...

DeMark Home Ontario Granted with the Google Guarantee

The Google Guarantee certifies that professionals employed by a local business are licensed, pre-screened, and insured, allowing customers to quickly recognize a trusted service provider. A Google Guarantee certified business is indicated by a green check mark “badge” underneath the names of qualifying companies. What does it mean for a service provider to be Google Guaranteed? For a business to be certified, Google performs an extensive inspection of all areas of the business through: License verification Google confirms that the company and its employees Read More...

Common Issues with the Furnace Limit Switch

The two functions of a furnace limit switch are turning the fan on and off during heating cycles and ensuring the furnace doesn’t overheat by shutting it down when its internal temperature is too high. If you’ve been experiencing issues with your furnace limit switch and are looking to fix it, it’s important that you first understand what a limit switch is and how it operates. The furnace limit switch is a small but important device that’s used in forced-air Read More...

Should I Turn My Furnace Off in The Summertime

Turning your furnace off in the summer can have several benefits, but it’s important that you know more about your furnace first before you turn it off. The summer season is almost here! Pretty soon your furnace won’t be needed for months to come and your AC will become an essential appliance in your home once again. With your furnace not being used for so long, you may wonder if you should turn your furnace off during the summer. We Read More...

Find the Do-It-Yourself Solution to Your Furnace Problem

With some basic knowledge of how your home appliance works and minimal do-it-yourself experience, you might be able to fix your  furnace problem yourself. Our step-by-step guide is here to provide you with the knowledge and confidence it takes to tackle any common furnace problem yourself. If at any point when following this guide you don’t feel comfortable or experienced enough to solve your furnace problem then it is in your best interest to schedule a service call with a Read More...

Benefits of a Modulating Furnace

A modulating furnace will greatly improve your home’s energy efficiency with its multi-speed blowers and fluctuating gas valve features. Increased Comfort A modulating furnace’s ability to always adjust itself results in an even distribution of heat throughout the home, creating an exceptionally comfortable living space. You will no longer have to deal with the lack of consistency that’s often experienced by homeowners with traditional furnaces. If your home currently has some rooms which are warmer than others, or some which are Read More...

Three Best HVAC Contractors 2020 Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls ON, Canada, January 14, 2020 – DeMark Home Ontario is a heating and cooling expert in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada and we are proud to announce that DeMark Home Ontario was selected as one of the Three Best Rated HVAC Contractors in Niagara Falls region, ON by Three Best Rated an organization that handpicks Top 3 local businesses per category in each city. DeMark Home Ontario was selected out of hundreds of HVAC Contractors in Niagara Falls, Ontario for being Read More...

Furnace Buying Guide

Choosing a new furnace can be a tough decision, so we hope this furnace buying guide will provide you with all the information you need to make the right choice. Like all machines, furnaces get worn out with time and after years of use they reach a point where they no longer work like they used to. Typically, furnace problems start to arise after the 10 year mark. Finding a replacement for your old furnace can be tricky as there Read More...
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