Tag Archives: Rent Water Heater

Water Heater Replacement Cost

Water heater replacement cost can vary depending on the type of water heater, tank capacity, and a few other factors. Your water heater is a very important piece of equipment to your home and your family’s home comfort. You use it every single day when taking a shower, doing the dishes, or doing the laundry. If your looking to replace your current water heater, one of the pieces of information you’d like to know first is the water heater replacement Read More...

Rent or Finance HVAC: Which Should I Choose?

Rent or finance HVAC provides a convenient and affordable solution for the homeowner on a budget. Replacing or upgrading your old HVAC system is a large investment for any homeowner. While purchasing a furnace or AC is cheaper in the long run, the high upfront cost deters many homeowners from choosing this option. Luckily, there are rent or finance HVAC options available that involve zero upfront cost and affordable monthly payments. Renting or financing your HVAC system allows you to Read More...

DeMark Home Ontario Granted with the Google Guarantee

The Google Guarantee certifies that professionals employed by a local business are licensed, pre-screened, and insured, allowing customers to quickly recognize a trusted service provider. A Google Guarantee certified business is indicated by a green check mark “badge” underneath the names of qualifying companies. What does it mean for a service provider to be Google Guaranteed? For a business to be certified, Google performs an extensive inspection of all areas of the business through: License verification Google confirms that the company and its employees Read More...

Hot Water Heater Issue

Almost any hot water heater issue is easy to spot and you can even likely resolve it on your own by using the following tips. Whether you’re running out of hot water quickly, only getting lukewarm water, are seeing puddles near your water heater, or any other water heater issue  — we’re here to help you fix the problem. Try the tips listed below to resolve the water heater problem you’re experiencing: Not Getting Enough Hot Water Not getting enough hot water could Read More...

DeMark Home Ontario receives Best of Houzz 2020 Awards

DeMark Home Ontario has been named on the Best of Houzz 2020 list for the fifth time! Our dedication to providing great customer service at DeMark Home Ontario has not been left unnoticed. We are proud to be awarded the Best of Houzz 2020 award for customer service for the 5th time (previously in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019). Houzz has also listed us as a “recommended professional” in the HVAC sector. We provide customers with the most simple and convenient Read More...

Water Heater Warning Signs For Replacement

Water heaters, like all other appliances, need to be replaced once they reach the end of their lifespan, look out for these water heater warning signs to know when it’s time for a replacement. Having hot water in our homes is often something we take for granted. Whether it’s to wash the dishes, take a shower, cook, clean, or whatever else it may be, hot water is involved in your day to day life at home. Using your water heater Read More...

Common Reasons For Running Out Of Hot Water

Running out of hot water during your morning shower can put your day to a bad start, find the simple solution for your hot water problem. Taking a relaxing, hot shower is one of life’s simple pleasures. Having that taken away from you when you’re running out of hot water can be a pain. There can be a variety of causes for such a problem. We’re here to help you get to the bottom of it so that you and Read More...

Approved Enbridge Energy Advisor 2019

If you're looking to receive up to $5000 for participating in the Enbridge Home Energy Conservation Program (HECP), find an approved Enbridge energy advisor to complete your pre-energy assessment. To complete your pre-energy assessment, book an appointment with one of the approved Enbridge energy advisors found in the list below. Enbridge will cover the cost of your pre-energy assessment and this will make you eligible for further Enbridge rebates of up to $5000. Once an approved advisor has completed Read More...

Not enough hot water

We know how annoying it is when there’s not enough hot water in your home and your usual hot morning or evening showers suddenly turn into feeling like an unexpected ice bath. Your water heater used to satisfy your home’s needs perfectly, but now your hot water supply just isn’t cutting it for your household. Why may this be? There are many possible causes to this problem which come with their own solutions, some of which are quite simple. To Read More...

Rent or Buy Hot Water Tank

Debating whether you should rent or buy hot water tank can be a dilemma, but we can help you make up your mind. When thinking about if you should rent or buy hot water tank, it’s best to consider the costs and convenience that comes along with both options. When purchasing, you are making a large upfront payment. This payment does not include the additional installation and labour costs that come with buying a water heater. You will receive a Read More...
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