What should you do if your Air Conditioner stopped working?
Air Conditioner stopped working. Do not panic!
Before contacting a specialist follow few simple steps below to see if it will solve the problem. If your air conditioner stopped working after following below steps please call us and we will send one of our specialists to your home in Toronto, GTA and parts of Ontario to assess the issue. For our service area please view our service area map.
Check that the unit is turned on at the thermostat and is set to cool
Check your Breakers or Fuse Box
Sometimes your breakers can go off. Please check your Breaker box to ensure that all breakers are in “ON” position. If you se any of the breakers in “OFF” position, switch them back on and see if your Air Conditioner starts to work. If you have a fuse box then replace any fuses where wires are burned and see of this fixes the problem and your AC starts to work. If the Air Conditioner starts to work then the problem is solved, however if you experience the problem where your breakers or fuses repeatedly fail then you might have a more serious problem with your wiring or AC system and should contact DeMark Home Ontario and we will send a specialist to asses your Air Conditioning System.
Check that your Air Conditioner Power switch is ON
This might be pretty obvious but believe it or not it is common for us to find that AC power switch was turned off and that caused Air Conditioner to stop working. Air Conditioner switch is located close by to the main AC indoor unit and looks identical to a regular light switch. Someone could’ve unknowingly switched the power off on Air Conditioner thinking it was the light switch. Try switching it back on and if your Air Conditioner starts to work, problem is solved.
Air Conditioner stopped working. Do not panic!
Check you filters
If your filters are very dirty, it could lead to Air Conditioner not working properly and not cool your home. Change your air filters regularly, some filters need to be changed as often as every month.
Check for Ice Build Up
Check to see that there is no Ice build up on the hoses leading from the outside condenser to the inside of your home. Your Air Conditioner can “Freeze Up” due to variety of different problems, one of the most common ones is low level of Freon. Turn your Air Conditioner off for couple of hour to let it thaw and it might start working after it thaws. Be sure to have call us and have technician inspect your Air Conditioner unit in Toronto and GTA as freeze up might be a sign of a bigger problem that could lead to damage of AC System components.
To service your air conditioner stopped working or your HVAC system in Toronto and GTA call us or fill out an online request and we will send technician to your home to assess and fix your Air Conditioner problem. If you require, service, maintenance or an upgrade of your Air Conditioner or HVAC system DeMark Home Ontario will be there for you. We also specialize in installations of brand new Air Conditioning systems in Toronto, GTA and parts of Ontario, so if you never had an Air Conditioner in your home before call us for more information and an estimate.
Getting started is easy, call Today at 647-847-2998 or toll free at 1-855-998-2998 and have your new high efficiency air conditioner installed as soon as the next day. You can also contact us by submitting your enquiry online and one of our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.