Your HVAC system efficiency level. Learn how to save on your energy costs in Toronto area.

No matter if your HVAC system system is old or you have high efficiency furnace and air conditioner, located in a newly purchased or already existing home, an apartment or single-family home, there are many things that can be done to optimize the levels of efficiency in your home.

You can easily decrease your energy usage and it will save you from high costs for years to come.


Whatever time of the year you may find yourself in, keeping comfortable clean air in your house is a must. Things you can do to ensure that clean air is being circulated trough your home are caulking and weather stripping all doors and windows in your home, also sealing chimneys and potential anywhere in your home that air can escape.

Make sure you check your home for damaged shingles, roof damages and worn out or torn barriers as well. This will ensure the proper circulation through your home. Undertaking in semi-annual exterior home inspections during the time you have your HVAC system  check up is the best time.

Don’t forget to get your annual furnace and air conditioner inspection done. If you are currently in the process of conducting restoration or replacements of windows; it would be a great idea to obtain vinyl-or wood- clad also known as thermo pane windows, storm windows and doors. Ensure that these items are closed during heating and air conditioning to ensure proper circulation around your home.

Making sure airflow in and out of your home through your HVAC system is vital. Things like vegetation and debris can block air flow which will force your furnace to work twice as hard. This will increase the ruining cost of your heating and air conditioning system and future maintenance cost.

Inside you Home

Knowing how to properly use your thermostat will benefit you greatly. During the summer season set your thermostat at the highest comfort level and the lowest level during the winter season. Be mindful that a change in one degree changes energy consumption by about 4%. Using humidifiers and dehumidifiers can make a huge difference in how the temperature in your home feels.

If you are away from home for long periods of time; investing in a programmable thermostat will help you automatically adjust temperature while you’re away and prevent your furnace and air conditioner running at unnecessary speeds.

During the summer season when heat is at its highest, keeping cool is the objective. To decrease your air conditioning usage it is also important to know that lights generate indoor heat. Whenever possible replace bulbs and fixtures in your home to fluorescent as it will decrease heat levels in the home. Keeping drapes closed during the hot sunny summer days will reduce heat and in the winter let the sun shine through to help aid in heating your home.

When insulating your attics, basements and other areas throughout your home; make sure they are up to the R value recommended for your area. If you are not sure, your HVAC heating and cooling contractor can inform you on the levels you need. It also important to remember to provide insulation to duct-work that is located in an Un-conditioned area.

HVAC System Maintenance

Conduct filter checks regularly and provide cleaning and replacements when they are needed. Your HVAC heating and cooling contractor can inform you how often maintenance will be needed as this is based off the manufactures recommendations and the air quality conditions in your local area.

Installing zoned system in homes that are two or more stories along with a programmable thermostat in each zone can greatly reduce your energy cost as well.


For a free consultation, estimate or to book your maintenance call please contact us (647) 847-2998

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