Red Tag

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  • #5173

    I have red tag from Direct Energy. Direct Energy is tryIng to charge me $435… I don`t know what to do… HELP !!!


    I had a red tag before too, i was Enbridge told me that when i had a tank replace the tech who did the job didnt upgrade the venting to the right size, that cost me almost $400. It is later that i found out that there were other options to go about it, so before you committ do some research and ask around


    I called my gas company when my hot water tank broke down and when they came and found out that i had no liner, they shut off my gas and gave me two options either to install a chimney liner or to install power vented hot water heater which vents through a plastic piping at the side of the house. We ended up installing a power vevnted water heater since our furnace is high efficieny and didnt require a liner. The conversion cost us $125


    jonesP wrote:I have red tag from Direct Energy. Direct Energy is tryIng to charge me $435… I don`t know what to do… HELP !!!



    Not much you can do about the red tag, if you dont get this fixed within 45 days, you’ll have your gas shut off by Enbridge, so hurry up. As most of the people mentioned just have the tank replaced by somebody else and they will replace your chimney for free and typically include the cost in your monthly rental fee, still cheaper than paying for it. I had that problem and it was solved by just $2.95 cents extra a month by by water heater supplier.


    jonesP wrote:I have red tag from Direct Energy. Direct Energy is tryIng to charge me $435… I don`t know what to do… HELP !!!



    As i told somebody earlier, you gotta call other suppliers out there who will upgrade your chimney liner and hot water heater free of charge, they simply invlude low monthly payment for a chimney liner installation in addition to the monthly hot water heater rental fee, which is very small and you dont even have to worry about paying anything upfront

    DHO Master
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