Kids zone

Check Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Changing your old and outdated carbon monoxide alarm should be at the top of your priority list today. The reason that we bring up carbon monoxide alarms as being a topic of urgency at this time is because it has come to our attention that recently there was a man in Barrie who came home after working the night shift to find his two children and wife suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. His 10 months old son passed away in the Read More...

Why Is My Energy Bill So High

The winter time means less sunlight, the bitter cold, and with this comes an increase on your monthly energy bill. Canada is known for its cold and snowy winters, so for us Canadians to cope with the weather we of course need the use of some of our household appliances. Whether it be your furnace, your water heater, space heater, light bulbs, etc. your household appliances all see great use during the winter months. You need to keep yourself and Read More...

Benefits of a WiFi Thermostat

A WiFi thermostat allows you to have maximum convenience and efficiency when heating or cooling your home. Whether it be your home or your workplace, heating and cooling takes up a decent chunk of the owner’s expenses on their monthly utility bill. A WiFi thermostat allows you to access your heating and cooling controls and settings through the internet to make for the most efficient use of energy and dollars spent on your utility bills. These small gadgets have a Read More...

Holiday home energy savings

This holiday season, don’t blow all your money on your electrical and heating bills, learn about energy savings today and spend those extra bucks on the people you love. Whether it be the holiday lights or the overnight house guests, the holidays are often when people see a big jump on their utility bills. Lucky for you, it is possible to keep the holiday cheer alive and make room for energy savings by making a few smart moves ahead of Read More...

What is Vampire Electronics? Or how to Save Energy

Save Energy in your home You may not realize it but even when our appliances and devices are powered off but still plugged in, they are using power. This is known as “vampire electronics”. And this can have significant impact on a consumer’s wallet. Vampire electronics can add more than $100 per year to your electricity bills. Here are a few suggestions you can do to reduce your electricity usage thus reduce your hydro bills, save energy and make your wallet thicker Read More...

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween can be a fun and exciting time for kids. These safety tips for parents, children and homeowners will help keep everyone safe and happy this Halloween. Costumes When choosing a costume, stay away from billowing or long trailing fabric. If you are making your own costume, choose material that won't easily ignite if it comes into contact with heat or flame.  Look for costumes, beards and wigs labelled "Flame-Resistant" -- nylon or heavyweight polyester costumes are best. Flame Resistant does Read More...

Season’s Greetings from DeMark Home Ontario to all our customers and visitors.

This Holiday Season we would like to extend our appreciation to our customers who made our progress real and possible. There is no better time than this to say “Thank you”, and to wish you and your families blessings, happiness and joy this time of the year and through out the whole year. We hope that you and your families have a great holiday season full of memories that will last a lifetime long. We thank you for being our Read More...

Kids go GREEN!

How can your kids make contributions to go green? You can involve your kids in reducing energy consumption, making efforts to reuse and recycle in your home and help them to establish habits that will be carried throughout their lives. Making it a Game Kids like to play games especially if there are prizes and incentives. Making recycling easy for kids can be presented as game. Make a chart with your kids names and post it near the recycling bin. Each time Read More...

Simple and easy tips how to reduce your home energy consumption

Easy tips how to reduce your home energy consumption. There are number of ways to be more energy efficient from simple steps that do not cost a thing to low cost projects that can save you up to 20 % on your energy consumption. If you are a residential homeowner who lives in Ontario and tired of high energy bills then below energy efficiency tips are for you. DeMark Home Ontario is happy to share with you very simple and easy Read More...

Green Planet 4 Kids

A Green Planet For Kids gives easy to follow tips on how to keep our planet green. This site is about making kids aware of the Eco Issues, and reduce your bills.  Join the Eco family as they learn everyday ways that they can become environmentally friendly.     These websites have been chosen to receive the Families Online Award due to providing quality family and parenting content and excellent web design.       Visit   Read More...
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