Simple and easy tips how to reduce your home energy consumption

Easy tips how to reduce your home energy consumption.

There are number of ways to be more energy efficient from simple steps that do not cost a thing to low cost projects that can save you up to 20 % on your energy consumption. If you are a residential homeowner who lives in Ontario and tired of high energy bills then below energy efficiency tips are for you. DeMark Home Ontario is happy to share with you very simple and easy to follow tips from Ontario Energy Board on how to reduce your home energy consumption. Small things like lighting, appliances and electrical equipment use add up to significant savings.



For more info visit Ontario Energy Board 

If you are looking for a more significant decrease in energy consumption then you should also consider upgrading your heating (furnace) and cooling (air conditioner) systems to high efficiency units if you haven’t done it yet. One of our friendly stuff will be happy to assist you in selecting the right model for your home. To learn more about energy efficient tips you can contact DeMark Home Ontario specialist.

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