Heat Pump Benefits

Energy savings, convenience and efficiency are just a few of the heat pump benefits that come with upgrading your home’s HVAC system.

One of the primary heat pump benefits is that these systems provide you with year-round home comfort while fitting within your energy budget. Heat pumps are 2-in-1 systems that can keep your home warm in the winter and cool during the summer. That’s right, heat pumps can do the work of both a furnace and an air conditioner.

Heat Pump Benefits

But how do heat pumps work?

How Heat Pumps Operate

Heat pumps work by removing heat from the air by extracting it from either inside your home from the outdoors. The two types of heat pumps are ground source and air source. Ground source heat pumps extract heat from the earth and redistribute it. Air source heat pumps take heat from the existing air and redistribute it.

There is heat in the air all the way down to absolute zero or -273 degrees Celsius. This means that even on cold winter days there is still heat in the air for the heat pump to extract.

In the winter, the heat pump takes heat from the ground or air and transfers it into your home.

In the summer, the heat pump reverses this process and it takes heat from inside your home and pushes it outside.

Outdoor and Indoor Components

A heat pump has both indoor and outdoor components that work together simultaneously to heat or cool your home.

While furnace’s work by constantly generating heat, heat pumps are always moving existing warm air throughout the home. For this reason, one of the heat pump benefits is its very efficient distribution of heat.

Heat pumps don’t use fuel to operate, they run on electricity. Their electrical operation is another heat pump benefit as it keeps the operation cost low and saves you money. Its fuel-less operation makes it both the cost-efficient and environmentally friendly HVAC option.

Canada Greener Home’s Grant and Heat Pump Rebates

Heat pumps can be an affordable HVAC system upgrade with the Canadian Government’s Canada Greener Home’s Grant and Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) which allows homeowners to receive rebates of up to $7,100 to homeowners who upgrade their HVAC systems to eligible heat pumps. This new rebate program was designed to help homeowners transition to environmentally friendly and energy efficient home heating solutions.

If you’re interested in upgrading your home to a heat pump, don’t hesitate to contact us today and we can walk you through the entire rebate process from choosing your equipment, scheduling inspections, installation equipment, and submitting documents. Take a look at our Guide for a step-by-step instruction on the 2023 Ontario Heat Pump Rebates process.

How Furnaces and Heat Pumps Can Work Together

In places where it’s especially cold during the winter, a heat pump can be used in conjunction with a furnace to heat your home. When temperatures go below -15 degrees Celsius, the warm air circulated by a heat pump may not be enough. This is why many homeowners use a backup heat source like a heat strip along with their heat pump. Heat pumps can also work in conjunction with a furnace, acting as a backup heat source.

Heat pumps are the leading trend in the HVAC industry for their environmentally friendly and energy efficient operation! If you’re interested in learning more about heat pump benefits or want to upgrade your home to a new HVAC system, don’t hesitate to contact our team of trained HVAC experts who would be more than happy to offer their advice. Our HVAC specialists can walk you through the entire heat pump rebates process from start to finish! We have great heat pump rental and purchase programs for any budget and a selection of products from the top brands on the market.

If you’re looking to upgrade your old heating and cooling system to a Super High Efficiency Heat Pump / Furnace just give us a call and we can guide you through the Government and Enbridge grant process from start to finish.

We’ll book everything for you and complete the installation.

Submit an online request or call us now to get a 2 minute quote over the phone.

(647) 847-2998

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