Furnace not working? Maybe it’s snow!

Every winter after a large snowfall, homeowners are looking for new furnaces after theirs stopped working. Before you do that, especially when it involves buying a furnace check your intake vents and make sure that they are clear of snow.

Snow sliding off roofs or wind driven into drifts can bury a furnace air intake pipe. Every gas furnace needs a steady supply of air in order to properly work; otherwise the combustion chamber will not have enough oxygen to create a strong flame. If the vent becomes covered with snow, air will dwindle until the furnace will not be able to function correctly. It may start and then quickly shut off or continue work but fail to heat the house properly. A common symptom is your furnace continuously going into the start-up cycle, but never actually turning on. So before making a panic phone call for furnace repair in the middle of the night, go outside and check that the air intakes and outlets for your furnace are clear of snow.

Make sure that your vents are clear and protected.

  • Find your furnace intake and exhaust vents

In most homes, pipes will stick out a several inches out from the basement wall or the side of the home. Some pipes even extend up the side of the home.

  • Keep  it clear

Once you’ve found the intake or outlet vents, simply remove the snow from the area. Make sure that no snow, ice or other foreign objects have plugged the pipe.

  • Change the filter

A dirty air filter is a year around issue. Even a moderately dirty furnace filter reduces air flow making the furnace fan work harder; clean filters will save you money on electricity use.

In many cases you can take care of the problem yourself. If not, there are hundreds of repair companies advertising themselves as the best in the business. But one company stands above the rest.

DeMark Home Ontario is absolutely the company you should call first.

  • DeMark Home Ontario hires only the best technicians available. We’ve built a reputation over the years.
  • Not all furnaces are the same, and our staff knows the difference. Regardless of the heating system you have in your house, we have the tools and expertise to get it running smoothly once again.
  • We work 24/7. No matter the time of day, the experts at DeMark Home Ontario will come to your home to fix the issue

If you are currently experiencing problems with your furnace, or have any other issues with your heating system and require a repair, contact DeMark Home Ontario at (647) 847-2998 or Toll Free 1 (855)998-2998.

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