What’s inside of your old hot water heater
You most likely don’t wake up each morning wondering what condition your old hot water heater is in, but it would be a good idea to give it some thought every once in awhile.
Many homeowners tend to forget that that their old hot water heater requires constant maintenance and upgrades to keep it running smoothly and efficiently in their home. The common misconception about water heaters is that if it seems to work fine, produces hot water, and doesn’t leak then there is no need to make an upgrade. But what most homeowners don’t know is that older non energy efficient water heaters (older than 2008) have metal liners inside them which will build up sediment, rust, and dirt as time goes on which makes the water unsanitary for use. Not only is there rust and dirt accumulating from the water heater’s metal liner, but the dirt and rust from the water lines that deliver water to your home also builds up inside of your old hot water heater.
This sediment, rust, and dirt will slow your old hot water heater heat transfer and allows for the tank bottom to overheat. This will weaken the steel it is made out of, damage the glass lining, alter the unit’s efficiency and can cause the water heater to fail prematurely. Below is a video taken by one of our technicians during a replacement of a 14 year old water heater in Toronto, Ontario for a customer that was sure that there was nothing wrong with his old hot water heater unit as it was still working fine. What we showed this customer shocked him. Almost half of the water inside of his old water heater was filled with dirt and rust which him and his family were consuming through their water supply on a daily basis.
If you are a homeowner, you should ask yourself a few questions:
- When was the last time that your current water heater provider performed maintenance on your unit?
- When was the last time that your old hot water heater was drained and flushed?
- Is your home’s water heater energy efficient or does it still have metal liner inside?
If you are looking to replace your old hot water heater to new energy efficient model or to upgrade to a bigger tank size or tankless hot water on demand unit call professionals at DeMark Home Ontario at 647-847-2998 or submit your request online. One of our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!
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