Energy Savings at Home ( Refrigerator )

How to save on electricity, heating, cooling and water bills. Energy Savings at Home ( Refrigerator )

There are a number of things you can do to save energy in every room of your home. Turning off the lights is always a good start to save energy and money. But, are you aware of other ways to reduce your energy bill even more?

Your refrigerator is always on, but there are several no-cost ways to put energy costs on ice!


  • Set the temperature for only as cold as you need; check manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Don’t keep that old, inefficient refrigerator running in the basement for occasional refreshments. It could cost you $150 or more per year in electricity.
  • Don’t overfill the refrigerator, as this blocks air circulation. Conversely, a full freezer will perform better than an empty one.
  • Check your refrigerator’s door seal by closing the door on a $5 bill. If it’s held tightly in place, the seal’s OK; if not, the door should be adjusted or the seal replaced.
  • Clean your refrigerator’s coils (back) and air intake grill (below the doors) every 3 months.
  • Keep refrigerators and freezers out of direct sunlight, and allow at least 5 centimetres all around (or as recommended by the manufacturer) to allow heat to escape from the compressor and condensing coil.
  • Allow hot foods to cool before putting them in the refrigerator.

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