Shopping for a new High Efficiency Furnace in Toronto and GTA? What you need to know!

Shopping for a new high efficiency furnace in Toronto could seem like an impossible task.

If your like a majority of new and currently existing home owners on the market in the Toronto area, you have probably never purchased new high efficiency furnace or really took the time to understand how important is!

To most of us a furnace is a huge contraption that sits in our basements; and when were cold it heats us up. If you are in a state of stress or confusion, we have great news for you! If you follow these five simple steps you will be on your way to enjoying a brand new high efficiency furnace.

  • Trust is everything, without that we would all be lost and like most of us you wouldn’t just want anyone in your home! Firstly, finding a reputable dealer will make the process exciting and stress free; they will also be there during the installation and any time after when service or repairs are needed. So picking the right company is very important. With all the companies out there finding one you can trust may seem like a daunting task. Using search engines, newspapers and local resources, create a short list of companies that you have found; usually no less than 3 and no greater than 5. This will ensure a speedy process. Once you have created your short list, it is of great importance to do your diligence. A great way to aid you in your searching process would be to check with friends or relatives that have had furnace work done in the past; checking online for customer reviews on specific companies will be of great help as well.


  • Once you have created your list, invite a few of the companies to your home to conduct a presentation. While representative is in your home, pay close attention. Do they take the time to really understand your situation and help you find a suitable solution or do they just seem sales driven and eager to get paper work signed. A great genuine company will conduct a heat loss calculation to see what percentage is being wasted. They will also discuss other potential options that will ensure comfort-ability to your heating system and most importantly your home. If you are looking to replace an already existing furnace to new high efficiency furnace , it may be an ample time to consider a new air conditioning unit if the already existing unit has exceeded a life span of ten years. During this time it is also a great idea to look at potential air cleaners, humidifiers, duct-work and any other additions that will benefit your overall homes comfort-ability and the comfort of you and the people living inside it. The representative from a solid company will be knowledgeable about the availability of products, total time of installation and the total availability of the labor required to complete the installation. Those details should be carried by a visual presentation. The representative will have knowledge of the people who will be performing the installation in your home and should be able to discuss their training, skills and qualifications. Don`t be surprised if a presentation exceeds an hour to a hour or more. A representative that is mindful of your comfort first will really take the time to understand what is important to you. Lastly, does the representative take the time to answer your questions? Remember, your are the customer and your questions are an important indicator on how the company will follow up on details.


  • It is vital to complete a reference check. This can be done by simply asking the company to provide a list of customers with names and addresses. A company that refuses to provide you with this service is a potential problem. Most solid companies will issue a customer list to their representatives to issue to the customer.


  • Decide if the proposal issued by the representative meets your currents wants and needs. Most proposals will come with several financing options; so don`t be surprised if offered to you. A majority of established companies will have a financing channel available through their manufacturers and even some through local or national financial institutions. Don’t be quick to disregard the potential financing options, because they are often better than what you could arrange with your financial institution. If you can trust the contractor, and the proposal meets your needs and budget then its the right time to make your decision and schedule the installation. Also your representative should be happy and willing to alter the proposal to meet your needs and not the companies.


  • During the signing of the agreement with your chosen dealer, ensure that the proposal has the model numbers and a detailed list of the installation work to be done is indicated. The proposal should also indicate the terms of the warranty, method of payment that has been agreed upon and total cost. Though the representative may not be able to actually schedule your date of installation; they should be able to inform you in detail the process that will occur from the time of signing the agreement to the final installation.

The entire list of steps is not relatively hard; but these are steps that are vital to choosing an item that will provide comfort to you and your home. In rearguards of selecting the right brand for your furnace; most companies will have a list of brands they carry and recommend the unit that is suitable for your situation. Checking user reviews of certain brands and models will benefit you as well. Follow these simple steps and you soon will be enjoying your new high efficiency furnace.


For a free consultation, estimate or to book your maintenance please contact us.

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